Everyone, Bill. Let's be here for Money Evolution's calm in today's video. I'm going to be talking about three big retirement plan withdrawal mistakes. So, if you're planning for retirement, you're going to be looking at how you can make a transition from what we call the retirement accumulation phase when you've been saving and investing money for your retirement into the retirement withdrawal phase. Now, you're going to take some of that money that you saved, and you're going to start distributing that money back to you, start taking some withdrawals. So, there are actually three big mistakes that we see all the time here, and hopefully, this video will help you avoid some of these mistakes. Mistake number one is probably the most common one that we see all the time, and it's waiting too long to begin taking withdrawals. This mistake can actually compound into a couple of other little mistakes that can cost you a lot of money. So, one of the things, for example, that we see all the time is people will often begin taking their Social Security benefits as early as they can, at age 62. Not only does this prevent them from getting a bigger Social Security check and kind of maximizing that, but it also often means that they're delaying taking their retirement plan withdrawals. What that does is it compounds itself down the road because, as many of you probably know, at 7 and a half, the IRS is going to mandate that you start taking some withdrawals from those retirement accounts. It's called the required minimum distribution rules, and what that might do is it might push you up into a higher tax bracket at that time. On top of that, as I think most of you probably know, not...
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10-year tax option for lump sum distributions Form: What You Should Know
Ca.gov. You may owe a 5% penalty if you withdraw an amount less than 10,000 from a retirement plan or IRA (that have been taxed as separate accounts) in a taxable year for which the amount in the plan was treated as ordinary income. Dec 6, 2025 — Your tax year is 2020. You received a nonqualified distribution from a Qualified plan in 2019. You may get a tax credit for the nonqualified portion of the distribution in 2025 when you file your taxes for the tax year you received the distribution. If you're using the 2025 Schedule D, you may want to use this 2025 Schedule to figure out your tax on the money. See the form for form 4972 (the tax form) for more information. Nov 27, 2025 — You may qualify for 20% lump-sum taxation, as described in Publication 560 in chapter 1 section “Qualified Plans” See Publication 560 on-line here: Oct 28, 2025 — You may qualify for 20% lump-sum taxation, as described in Publication 560 in chapter 1 section “Qualified Plans” See Publication 560 on-line here: Aug 20, 2025 — The tax year you received the nonqualified distribution is 2020. You will not have to pay an income tax if you qualify, and you get a tax credit for the nonqualified portion of the distribution. See Publication 560 (p 606) under “Nonqualified Retirement Plans” under “Qualified Plan Distributions”. Aug 20, 2025 — The tax year you received the nonqualified distribution is 2020. You will not have to pay an income tax if you qualify, have had a tax shelter benefit before, and receive a 100 tax credit from the IRS for the 10,000 you have received. See Publication 560 (p 606) under “Nonqualified Distribution in a Qualified Plan” under “Qualified Plan Distributions”. For more information, see Publication 560 (p 606) in chapter 1 section “Qualified Plans” under “Qualified Plan Distributions”.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing 10-year tax option for lump sum distributions